Out of Reach Wiki


Area Control and Territory Claiming

Click here: Territory Claiming for more informations (not in main page for now)

Create Clans

Clans are controlled by a Builder's Desk.

Making a Builder's Desk

To make a Builder's Desk open the Building Panel, key "B" by default. In the first menu "Floors" the top item is the Builder's Desk . Select the desk by hitting the "1" key. A holographic desk will appear in front of you. Move it around your building until it turns blue. The desk needs to be placed on a floor.

Starting a Clan

Press E on Builder's Desk to open its window and click on "Create a clan". You would have to choose the Name of the Clan and a Tag (which would appear upon the head of the characters).

All players of your clan would be visible on your map. All players of your clan can open doors and chests; build (destroy); and use your mooring boat. If you just want give access to your base to some specific players, use the "Guest List" instead. You can't add a player in your clan if he's already in an another one.

Clan Emblem


The Clan Emblem that you create would appear on all the doors of your base. You can edit it after creating it.

Deleting a Clan


Leaving a Clan


Click on the X after the name of your clan (here 'Test') or "leaving the clan" on Desk.

Chatting with Clan

In the chat box, type"/c" before your message to send it to only your clan members. You can use the Clan Channels to speak to your team mates (update 0.18.0). Just select it on the right part of the Chat System.

Desk Upgrading

To upgrade the Builder Desk enter the desk's GUI and click the upgrade button. You will need the require resources in your inventory.

Level 1

50 wood

Your clan will be abandoned after TODO

Level 2

100 woods

Your clan will be abandoned after 7 days be default. Your Builder's Desk will protect your base for an additional 6 hours after it is destroyed, by default.

Level 3

200 woods

Your clan will be abandoned after 7 days be default. Your Builder's Desk will protect your base for an additional 12 hours after it is destroyed, by default.

Level 4

400 woods

Your clan will be abandoned after 7 days be default. Your Builder's Desk will protect your base for an additional 24 hours after it is destroyed, by default.

Level 5

200 Bronze ingots

Your clan will be abandoned after 7 days be default. Your Builder's Desk will protect your base for an additional 48 hours after it is destroyed, by default.

Level 6

100 coins

Your clan will be abandoned after 7 days be default. Your Builder's Desk will protect your base for an additional 72hours after it is destroyed, by default.

Player Management


Adding a Clan Member

To add a clan member click the plus on the left bottom side, next to add new player, of the GUI. Enter a the player name of the player you with to add. Added clan member have permission to open doors, boxes, and can build/destroy.

Adding a Guest

To add a guest, click on the guest tab and click the plus on the left bottom side, next to add new player, of the GUI. Enter the name of the player you wish to add to the guest list. Guests will have permission to:

Removing a Guest

To remove a specific guest, click on the red cross near it's name.
